Overnight stay
Hotel-Restaurant Jägerhof is located in the beautiful town of Weeze. Around the hotel there are various hiking and cycling routes leading you to the most beautiful spots of Nordrhein-Westfalen. If, however, you miss the bustle of the city, it will take only fifteen minutes to get to the great city centre of Kevelaer, Goch and Kleve. Here, you can go shopping or visit one of the many museums these towns have to offer! The train station of Weeze is one minute away from the hotel. This provides a very good connection between other cities and the hotel. In only ten minutes from the hotel you will find Airport Weeze Niederrhein. Hotel-Restaurant Jägerhof is spacious and attractively decorated and the restaurant is a very pleasant place to have dinner. For a drink and a bite you are very welcome in our cosy bar. Furthermore, the hotel has a conference room available with all facilities and natural daylight. Our indoor bowling-alleys are perfect for a night out. It is the perfect combination sport and Professional and personal service are the keywords for our team. We hope to welcome you and your guests soon in our hotel. |
Hotel Jägerhof |